Happy Water News
Water is essential for good health, but not all water is created equal
Spring and mineral water are sourced from natural springs and contain minerals and other substances that are naturally occurring in the environment. While these minerals may sound beneficial, some can actually be harmful to your health.
What’s the Big Deal About Water?
We consume foods that are processed and almost everything we eat contains preservatives. Drinking water is the only way our bodies can flush toxins and wastes out of our systems and repair the physical damage that is done.
Ten Tips for Increasing Your Fluid Intake for good Health
The best source of hydration is probably water, or drinks that are primarily water, such as sport replacement drinks, herbal teas, lemon water, and vegetable broth. Make water part of your daily routine for good health!
Does boiling water make it safe to drink?
Water is the most important liquid we know to date. It is everywhere we look. Water is in the ground and in the air that we breathe. All animals, plants and humans need water to survive. Water is the basis of our life.
Why is Hydration important to maintain a healthy mind and body
As people are becoming more aware of their health, exercise routines and proper diets are more important than ever. However, the human body’s basic need for water and hydration is often overlooked.